I swear, Don't do this

WTF? Yea, trust me on this one

Problems, love and embrace

Life is full of problems, hurdles, missteps and mishaps. Use them to your advantage!

Hear me out. In our last conversation, we unraveled the mirage of goal-chasing. Now, let's pivot to the power of perspective—how reframing memories can shape the life we lead.

Every day, I overhear people pondering 'what ifs,' longing for do-overs that never come. Dwelling on the past is a surefire way to dim the joy of your present life. Consider this: by dissecting every day for faults, you're training your brain to prioritize these missteps, etching them into your long-term memory. A lifetime of this well-intentioned self-critique can accumulate into a reservoir of regret.

However, there's a brighter path.

Remember, many of history's greatest discoveries were happy accidents. Just like in sales or dating, it's often the 'no's and the near-misses that guide us to our 'yes.' Embrace the unexpected. Cherish the lessons learned from what didn’t go according to plan, because that's where growth happens.

So, when reflecting, let the good take center stage. Replay the smiles, the laughter, the joy. Make a conscious choice to remember the positive. These moments of happiness are the ones to hold onto; they'll be the stars that light up your memory bank.

The next time you're asked about your day, share the good. Talk about the joke that made you chuckle, the kindness you witnessed, the little victories. This not only makes for delightful conversation but also cements the good in your psyche, paving the way for a fulfilled life.

Let's fill our memory banks with joys and triumphs, and in doing so, we won't just recall a great life; we'll be well on our way to living one.