The Infamous Amanita Lloydii

Purveyor of all things mystical, Fungi Guide and Reiki Master

Lloydii comes with a long history of studying and sourcing amanitas. He is a mycologist with a passion for amanitaceae, a true expert of all things amanita. Absolutely no one knows amanitas like Lloydii.

Proudly displaying a freshly captured Cauliflower Mushroom.

Amanita Lloydii with a  beautiful Muscaria

Showing off a fresh ameripantherina at  one of or amanita patches.

"Soma! The Burning Bush! Sacred Mushroom of Immortality! The Blessed Sacrament! The ridiculous amount of ignorance, mis and disinformation, phobia, knee jerking, and general quackery on the subject of Amanita Muscaria and Pantherina is not only overwhelming, but, well, ridiculous. So, I've created the Amanita Mushroom Truths, Science, Allies & Experience group to be a source for all who are directed by the universe to this great gift and benefactor to mankind and expanding consciousness. As well as its allies and things benefiting the evolution of consciousness. True knowledge is power. Let this be a place where unfounded fears are dispelled and truth disseminated. Hail Soma! King of the Gods!"

Checking out a big conk discovered on a day or exploring for new sites in the backwoods of the Green river

One of the many bohemicas we gathered one spring afternoon.

Amanita Lloydii posing beside a grandaddy artist conk he found