Obtain Amanita Tinctures and Flying Ointment

Amanita Pantherina Tincture.

The tincture is, Amanita Pantherina thoroughly dried and desiccated two months, double extracted,  first with Ethanol,  then H2O + citric acid.  Evaporated down for measurable dosing, orange vodka added for flavor (a very good idea) and glycerine added to make it easier to hold under the tongue, which MUST be done for it to work,  as, if swallowed,  it goes through the system too quickly to be metabolized, resulting in no effect. 

Flying Ointment!

Datura flying ointment made from seeds of Datura stramonium. Also,  leaves and flowers of Datura stramonium.  Mugwort. Amanita Pantherina.  Yarrow. Lavender. Cinquefoil.  Balm of Gilead. Coconut oil. And beeswax.  

Flying ointment is used topically for pain (like lower back) but the real story and use of flying ointment is much more interesting. Everyone knows the image of the green skinned witch flying on her broomstick.  This is code made for those with the eyes to see and ears to hear. And to keep it out if the hands of the uninitiated.  But at this time,  as we "Passover" from the age of Pisces into the Age of Aquarius or age of enlightenment, it is time for what was hidden (occulted)  to become known.

First of all,  the words witch and also wizard,  come from there word WISE.  If one makes an ointment from plant matter and rubs it on the skin,  the skin can become green. The plants,  Solanacea plants (Datura,  henbane,  nightshade,  mandrake,  brugmansia)are tropane alkaloid plants, containing Atropine,  Hyoscyamine and Scopolamine. Eating these plants can lead to permanent madness and death,  among other things. But applied topically,  the skin filters out the more dangerous atropine while allowing the more hypnotic scopolamine through. These plants can make one feel as if and also make it look from one's perspective like one is flying.  Similarly like when amanita makes one see and feel as though one is 50 feet tall, or flying. 

They are also a key to the astral plane. In a time where practicing plant medicine might get one burned at the stake,  this could be a useful way to meet with fellow practitioners while avoiding the thugs of Caesar and the Roman church he appointed himself pope of when he invented it. 

The best places to apply flying ointment for effect are in places of lots of capilaries and mucus membranes. Places like the throat or under the arms,  but ideally, the best place is between the legs.  If you were a solitary female practitioner one of the best applicators, to get the ointment into the place of the most capillary rich area, just might be the end of a broomstick. If the practitioners are a male and s female,  then the male becomes the broomstick and they may fly together. 

Amanita Muscaria

Amanita Muscaria

Amanita Muscaria

Amanita Muscaria

Right now we have no tinctures, potions, salves or ointments available for purchase. The pantry is bare.

When in season we have various sized bags of dried Amanita Ameripantherina for sale starting at the discounted price of $30 for 7g including S&H and for $10 more, we'll double your order to 15g, for the low price of $40. We also have a good supply of Amanita Muscaria (var. Flavonata usually) and 30g of those lovelies goes for $35 while a meaty 100g is only including S&H.