I swear, Don't do this

WTF? Yea, trust me on this one

Quit Chasing Mirages Unabridged

Life is not about the destination. Fuck no! Life's about the journey. Fuck yea!

Hear me out. That 'destination' we often fixate on? Your goal, career path. It’s a mirage. And as you well know, mirages aren't reality. TRust me, keep reading.

Picture this: you're just out of school, brimming with vigor, ready to conquer the world. You've charted a course—a career path, a life goal. Then life intervenes. Your trusty car dissolves into a cloud of smoke, or family duties beckon, and suddenly you're taking a different path, one with lower pay and your dreams are set aside, put off, and ultimately they change. It's the nature of life—unpredictable and ever-changing.

We all have goals and aspirations. It’s human nature. But as life pitches us curveballs, our plans and perspectives shift. Change is life's only constant. It hurls challenges and dilemmas our way, and how we respond—whether we dodge, weave, or confront them head-on—shapes our journey. Once vital goals, now unobtainable, slip past us, almost unnoticed. 

But deep inside, our inner scorekeeper takes note, tallying up a sense of loss. Over time, those losses add up, and subconsciously they start to take a toll. They are like bricks, weighing us down by casting doubt and inserting uncertainty in our once unwavering sense of direction and enthusiasm for life. But it doesn't have to be this way. Those 'bricks' of missed opportunities can be the very material we use to pave our new road forward. They can be the foundation for a path uniquely our own.

The trick here isn’t in abandoning goals; it's in adjusting our focus from the goal to the voyage itself.  It's that simple. Look here, Cambridge and Oxford dictionaries define goal using the term "an aim." And that's all goals are: a direction or an aim. With each decision, don't put it off, but tackle it head on and make  your choice with conviction. And most of all,  trust in that choice. After all, there is no one else is as qualified to be making those decisions as you are. No one has been in your shoes or has all your interests at heart. After all, everybody has their hands full dealing with their own curve balls.

So start making those decisions, don't let them hold you back by weighing you down. Soon enough decision making will become second nature. You'll find strength in your convictions, cutting through life's challenges like warm butter with a hot knife. Instead of carrying unsolved problems as burdens, you'll be solving them, laying them down in front of you, paving your own way to a better future with each one. It won't be long before you look back and smile at how far you've come, how fun its been, and most of all you'll trust the person making them... that's having faith. Once we begin having faith in ourselves, we will begin to truly love who we are.

LIfe's forever going to be causing us to adapt and change. Avoidance isn't a strategy to get out of life's quagmire; it's a pitfall. Those near misses will start piling up, and because we adapt to survive, you'll find comfort and an identity . Don't make that mistake, don't define yourself by what you aren't or haven't achieved..

Think of goals as aspirations, as mirages. They guide you, inspire you, but they don't define you. If we measure our worth by these elusive visions, disappointment is inevitable. Work towards your goals, but never let the mirages determine your worth. Instead, embrace life's journey. Love yourself, live in the moment, and enjoy the ride.

Think of goals more like aspirations, or like a mirage. Sure, you're always heading in that direction, you can see it, you want to get there, by all means its just out of reach. But if you define yourself by your goals, you'll never associate your life with one of success and think you're failing in life. It doesn't have to be that way if you simply start living for and enjoying the journey. That's what its all about. Live in the moment. Love yourself. Never stop aspiring to better yourself. Never stop working towards that goal.  Just don't define yourself by mirages that you never reach.

Quit Chasing Mirages

Life is not about the destination. Fuck no! Life's about the journey. Fuck yea!

Hear me out. That 'destination' we often fixate on?  It’s a mirage. And as you well know, mirages are a illusion

Imagine this: you're just out of school, brimming with vigor, ready to conquer the world. You've charted a course—a career path, a life goal.  But life happens. Your trusty car dissolves into a cloud of smoke, or family duties beckon, and suddenly you're taking a different pathIt's the nature of life—always unpredictable and ever-changing.

We all have goals and aspirations. It’s human nature. But as life pitches us curveballs, our plans and perspectives shift and our goals evolve as well, with every twist and turn. They tend to slip past, almost unnoticed. That can be a burden, making its seem like you're never actually 'getting there.' But what if there's an easier way? A way to not get there and to succeed in life. The trick here isn’t in abandoning goals; it's in adjusting our focus from the goal to the voyage itself.  It's that simple.

Live in the now. Shift your perspective from reaching the goal to savoring the steps you take. Think of goals as aspirations, as mirages. They guide you, inspire you, but don't let your goals define you. Don't make that mistake. Don't define yourself by what you aren't or haven't achieved. Instead, embrace life's journey. That's what it's all about. Live in the moment. Love yourself. Never stop working towards that goal.  Just don't trapped by the illusions of goals. You'll always let more slip by than you'll reach. But most of all remember: it’s not about the mirage in the distance; it’s about the oasis you create along the way.